ponderating superior glory of Jinéśvara Bhagavån, she assumed the form of a fernale hermit Putting on a bark-garınent and making her entire body wet with icy cold water flowing constantiy in toreatini nassez from her long hanging mass of braided hair. Katapūta'lā tāpasi remained iüvisible in th: air just above the locality in which śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira was glanding in contempl-tion, and she began to shake her body violenily. The drops f water mixed with particles of snow, and cooled down with very cold gusis of wiod pierced the body of Jiceśvara like so mnany arrows, and unbearable drops of water pouring continuously from the spread out mass of braid of hair and from the dar's garment, entered the vital parts of the body of Jinéśva a Bhagavān. The cold of Māgha-māsa (January-February ) was naturally unbearable, and the evil--miiided vyantari had greatly aggravated the co!dness by her divine power. What else to say about it! The body of an ordinary person mortified by Sirca ayonies of coid, would be melted away. It is only that Achats with nirupakrama āyusya ( life-limit which cannot be fussened by disease, fear, fire, water, and other misfortunes which shorten the life-limit of an ordinary individual ) can alone toierate such sufferings. While patiently enduring the trouble caused by cold for four praharas of the night, the religious con. lempiation capable of destroying future lives, becam. greatly develsped, and by enduring it with great mental tranquility, the Karmas of Srainaņa Bhagavau Mahāvira b came more and more destroyed, and the Avadbi Jňāna possessed by Sramana Bhagavän Mahävira become more extensive, and he began to see ob. jects in all the worlds, Šramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira had from his very birth, whatever Avadbi Jõāna he possessed during his previous life as a celestial heing, and the wealth of his study cousisted of all the Angas. Now, Katapūtanā on seeing Śramaņa Bhagavān Mabávïra perfectly immovable, was greatly disappo inted in the morning, and becoming more tranquil, and repenting for her misdeed, she worshipped the Lord with great devotion, and then she went away.
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