at che feet of Guru, the king took his seat near him. The muni preached Jaina Dbarma, and many persons had an insight about self. At the end, the Guru Mahārāja asked King Süraséna :O King ! Do you now carefully observe the vows of abstention from wine, flesh, and nightly meals, taken by you long ago ?” The King replied :-I am carefully observing them." The Muni Mahārāja again said, " Then, hold your samyaki va fast by accep. ting Jinégvaras who are entirely free from faults with the convic tion of True God, and leave aside Mithyātva (wrong belief) resulting from evil notions. Even by doing this much, you know that you have really accomplished the weifare of your future life. The King said :-" It is exactly so. From now, I have adopted Jaina Dharma, and by your grace, au eager desire for leaving off wrong belief has arisen in me. You have satisfied all my much-desired wishes in every way." Having joyíully expressed his sentiments, King Sūraséna went away. Muni Mahārāja also, following his usual custom, went elsewhere. In due course of time, King Súrasena died with defiled (wrong) belief arising from impure notions caused by agonizing pains all over his body, and, as a result, he was born as Bibhélaka Yakşa This is the account of Bibhelaka Yakşa.
Śrarnaņa Bhagavan Mabăvira, then, started fron the ple. asure-garden of Bibbélaka Yakṣa and stood in contemplation in a garden outside the village named śāliśīrşaka It was during the month of Māgha (January-February ).
KATAPŪTANĀ. Queen Vijayavati-the wife of Sramana Bhagavan Mahavira during his bhava as Triprstha Vasudeva-who had died with feelings of great animosity towards him as she was not wellrespected, -wandered in Samsāra during many lives, and she was born as a vapa-vyantari named Katapūtană, as a consequence of ignorant penances during a human bhavi. On account of her animosity towards Sra naga Bhagavau Mahăvira during her pre vious life, and also on account of her inability to bear the pre
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