3. Erto cciya folyazāhuro yi mairam muyanti dūréna
Véya-puräņésum pivi nisiddhameam jao bhaniyam. 3. 4. Tathā Gaudi paisti tathā mādhvi vijnéya trividba sura i
Yathaivalkā tathā sarva na pātavyā dvijottamaiḥ 4. 5. Näripuruṣayor hantă kanyāduşaka-madyapau 1
Eté pätakinastūktā pancamastaiḥ sahācaran. 5. 6. Surām pitvā tu yo mohādagnivarnām surám pibót.
Tathā sakāyé nirdagdhé, mucyate kilbişáttata), 6. 7 Yasya kāyagatam Brahma, madyena plavate sakrit.
Tasya vyapalte brāhmanyam sūdratvam ca niyacchati 7. 8. Iya bho dévāņupiya | majjam na jujai kayāvi.
Saggāpavagga-sangamasuhattbiņo savva kālampi. &.
1. What excellence can there be in the wine which is the source of sin, as it evidentiy causes impure-mindedness in all living beings.
2. Better to destroy one's life by a dose of virulent poison, but it is not at all proper to allow one's soul to remain under the influence of wine-driuking even for a short time.
3. Even ordinary ascetics, therefore, abandon wine from a distance, and it is also prohibited by the Vedas and PuräpasIt is said
4. Wine is to be known as of three kinds prepared from 1. molasses, 2. coro-meal, and 3, honey. One variety as well as all varieties should be abaudoned by the best among the twice born (the three upper classes.-Brāhmaga, Ksatriya, and Vaisyas)
5. Slayers of females, slayers of males, defilers of virgins, drunkards, and the fifth their associates-these are said to be criminal
& He, wha, by drinklag wine, feasta on the fiery wine
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