the harvest alone by himself employs hired persons by giving them proper wages for the purpose of reaping the harvest, in the same manner, it is essential for me to go to un-Aryan countries for the purpose of shedding my long-lasting Karmas because, uncivilized residents of those countries, becoming causelessiy angry with me, will there-by help me in getting rid of those Karmas. "
Thinking thus. He all-victorious Lord, -went to Lata desa inbabited by uncivilized people, accompanied by Gośāla. In that country some cruel persons, thinking Śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira to be a spy, began to beat iim with their fists; some used abusive language at him, and insulted him in various ways; and some of them used to run powerful dogs towards him with the object of causing him trouble. Although Sramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira was highly respected and adored by gods like Vyan. taras, Bhuvana-pati gods and their Indras, Yakşas, Rāk$28. He patiently endured all the calamities with perfect calmoess. Gośāla also, imitating the Lord, endured the miseries with the the idea that, “Śtamaņa Bhagavān Mahāvīra is my guru and I have kept him in the innermost of my heart.'
Having there-by, removed a large portion of his previous Karmas, sramapa Bhagavan Mabåvira returned to Arya Kşetra thinking as if his much-desired wishes had been fulfilled.
On his way back, near Purņa-klasa Sannivesa two robbers started for Lăta-desa with the object of plundering the country and thinking it to be an evil omen on seeing Śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvirs coming towards them, they ran towards Śramana Bhagavăn Mabāvira with their swords resembling the tongue of the God of Death, with the object of killing him.
At that time, Sakréndra saw through Avadhi Jñana, the robbers standing at a short distance with their swords raised up, with the object of killing Śramana Bhagavān Mabāvira. Bacoming greatly enraged, Sakrendra killed them with his thunder bolt weapon capable of destroying very lofty mountains in the state they actually were at that moment.
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