“ Because he has been repeatedly coming and looking at this place, he must either be a robber or a spy, so there is a possibility of timely re-gaining the goods stolen by him during the first part of the night." With this idea in their mind, the village-people caught hold of bim and tbey beat him severely. But when they could not get any favourable, reply, they left him alone. Becoming abashed Gośāla thought :- Ah !' leaving aside the question of getting delicious food, it is a strange event that I am kept alive". Ah! I came across wicked perso s without any profitable gain. Or, what is the use of such false notions? If there be any superphysical powers in my Bhagavāca, let this pavilion of these wicked persons be burnt to askes." Vāņa vyantara devoted to śramaija Bhagavía Mahāvira burnt it.
Śramana Bhagvān Mahāvīra then went to Kalumbukā Sanniveśa. This place was under the joint-rule of two brothers named Megha and Kāla basti. At that time, Kāla-hasti accom. panied by some warriors with various weapoos in their bands ran after robbers. Going a short distance off, he saw Śramana Bhagwan Mahāvīra and Gośāla comiag towards him. On seeing them, bila-basti asked them "Who are you?" Šramaņa Bhagavân Mahāvīra was silent Becoming very angry, he beat them and saving tied both of them with ropes, he sent them to his brother Mécha.
Mégha had seen Šramaņa Bhagavão Mabāvira before, when be used to visit King Siddhārtha at Kuņda-grāma Nagara, and so having seen Sramana Bhagavan Malāvira in such an undesiTably state, be at once got up from his seat, and having set Sramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvīra free from bondage, he adored him, and begged his pardon.
Now, śramana Bhagavån Mahāvira having seen through Avadhi Jñana,1 have, as yet, many Karmas to be shed and it is impossible to shed them without some help. Here, the example of a cultivator is appropriate. Just as a cultivator desirous of getting rapidly the crop on seeng his field full of corn-grains sinking to the ground on account of heavy weight, but unable to reap
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