hunter, is now desirous of union." On hearing the meaning of this verse, some persons used to laugh, some hated them and some pitied them. However, unabashed and very eager in accomplishing his own object, be went on wandering till he reached Campā Nagarī. The food brought with him for use during journey became exhausted and unable to find out any other means of maintenance he began to move about begging food by singing songs, making the picture on the drawlag-board as a means. Thus in a way, he was distressed with great hunger and in another way he was very anxious to meet his beloved, and hence he was able to accomplish both his objects with only one business.
Now in that same town there lived a house-holder named Mańkkhall. He had a wife named Subhadrā. He was ignorant in business of a merchant, unskilful in royal service, unable to do cultivation of land, indolent in hard work, and he was un-ingeni. ous in any other dlligent work, but he was mostly engaged only in eating. He was constantly thinking about “How he will now be able to pass his days happily ?” At that time, he saw Mankba maintaining himself comfortably by begging corn grains on showing picture-paintings on a drawing-board. On seelag him, Mankhali thought "Ah! his means of livele hood cannot be prevented by anyone. It is an investment which cannot be robbed by thieves. It is like a cow of plenty which can be milked without Interruption. It is like a production of grain-corn without water and it is like a great treasure obtained without any trouble". With this idea in his mind, he went to Mankha. He assented to do service to Mankha and he learned songs from him. At that time. Mankha, with a heart worn out by the thunder-bolt of separation from his wife of former life, died. So thinking him. self as a philosopher, Mankhali had a large picture painted on another drawing-board in great details, and coming home, he told his wife, thus ; - 'Ah ! dear, sirike an adamantine blow to hunger from now. Be ready for a journey abroad. She replied “I am ready. Let us go wherever you like ". Then, with the painted drawing-board, he went out of the towo accompanied by his wife, and he began to wander about in various countries.
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