by an arrow from a Jhila hunter, and although he was still alive, his affectionate female goose djed through pange of imminent separation. Having got such a picture painted on a drawing -board, give tbat board in his band, and let him more about in villages and towns with it. By doing this, under a timely dispensation of fate, his wife of previous life who may have been born as a human female, may perhaps get a remembrance of her former life on seeing the accident of the couple of ruddy goose painted on the drawing-board, and she may meet him. Such accounts are heard in ancient legendary works. Besides, by doing so, he may remain alive for several days, suspended as he is on the bolt of hope." On hearing this advice, Kéśava sald, “Ab! your judgment is salutary. Who else, but persons of mature intellect can come to a final decision in such an intricate subject ?" Having praised the old man's talent, Kéśava informed his son. Mankha replied "Father what harm is there in it? Let a picture on a drawing-board be prepared soon. May this remedy be pacifying to a mind overwhelmed by a succesejon of evil thoughts !." Kéśava knowing his son's Intention, had a picture of a pair of ruddy goose prepared representing the condition of the couple of ruddy goose as it actually stood. He gave that board to Manka and he also gave him some food for his journey abroad. Taking the picture in his hand, Markha began to wander about constantly, in towns, castles, villages inhabited by peasants, market-places, village with mud walls, and dwellingplaces and he shower the painting in every house, in every triangular place, in high ways, near water-tanks, in assemblees and in temples, raising it high. On seeing the conple of ruddy goose in that state, people used to ask him out of curiosity and he used to give them a true account of the accident. Being unable to give the entire account in detail uninterruptedly, he began to give his account composed briefly ir drupada verse with the following meaning. This couple of ruddy goose, delighted at mutual fully-developed love in Mana Sarovara, violently dist. ressed even from a momentary separation, and having met with death from bewilderment caused by a sharp arrow thrown by a
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