began to bite sharply causing intense pains throughout his body but the snake endured all this agony with perfect calmness and having died after a fort-night with entire indifference to worldly objects, the snake was born as a god in Sahasrra dévaloka with an age-limit of eighteen Sagaropams, Then the Lord of the Universe-Śramaņa Bhagavan Mahavira went to Uttara Vācăla Sanniveśa. For getting food at the end of a fortnigh't fasting, Śramaņa Bhagvan Mahāvīra went to the dwelling of a householder named Nāgaséna. As the son of Nagaséna had returned home after an absence of twelve years abroad, there was a great festival at his house and his kinsmen were dinning there. Becoming pleased with the excellent beauty of the Lord, they respectfully treated him with rice-pudding. Immediately, the sky became thronged with gods, demigods and angls, shouting Aho dana! aho dana! throwing divine clothes, showering flowers of five colours, throwing gold coins, sprinkling scented waters, playing on musical instruments of four kinds, joyfully stamping their feet with great delight, and praising him. Śramaņa Bhagavan Mahavira having break-fasted at the house of Nagaséna, went to the town of Śvétāmbi. There ruled a King named Pradesī, whose foot-stool was adorned by the coronets of feudatory chiefs bowing down at his feet and who was an excellent Śrāvaka (a follower of Jinéśvaras) with an extensive knowledge of the true principles promulgated by Jinéśvaras and keen insight. Being informed of the arrival of Śramaņa Bhagavan Mahāvīra there, the King surrounded by his entire army and towns-people, went to pay homage to him. Immediately on the seeing Śramaya Bhagavan Mahāvīra, the king going around him three times, bowed down very respectfully before him, and he began to extol him thus:-O, the only maker of the night (Moon) of the world! O Lord, worshipped devoutly by Indras of gods; free from dirt, beneficent, and like the sun in removing the darkness of ignorance; Victory to you! May you be victorious! O Jinanatha! maker of mental tranquility to the tree-like multitude of beings burnt by the heat of worldly existence! I have been able to have a glance of your bleassed face only on account of the mass of
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