hls hole and his entire body out of the hole and with a feeling of excellent renunciation, he thought “ Ah ! how is it that I did not meet with śramana Bhagavān Mahāvira-an ocean of all virtuous qualities-and that I did not have dikşă (renunciation ) before ! or why did I not duly study the Sūtras which are capable of pacifying the fire of all defects like nectar, and which are unattainable on account of varicus systems of naya ? or why did I not practise austerities extending over one month for a long time? Where is spotless cbaracter of long time? Where is spotless character and celebacy? Why did all bis become useless on account of ex. cessive arger of only a moment's duration ? Ah ! I am silly and unforiurate Alas! I have now attained a Datural terrible condition of a hideous snake. Being ud fit for ascetic duties what other means should I adoptAh! wicked soul ! why did I not put up with the gentle words of the young muni ( ascetic ) when I patiently endured the hardships of loca ( plucking out of the bairs of my head and beard) and other troubles of ecclesiastical life? In this way, you have yourself kindled fire on your own head. Can any one desirous of happiness kill his own self ! Becoming thus devoutly attached to renunciation, the prideless serpent remained motionless with his body contracted like that of a dead snake.
On seeing Śra maņa Bhagavān Me bavīra standing near the snake. some cow herds, hiding themselves behind trees and distrusting the motion less enake, began to throw pieces of stone on him with the object of ascertaining whether the sake was alive or not. But when the snake did not nuove at all although he was thus repeatedly pelted, they came nearer, and beat him with sticks. When, however, the snake did not move at all, they began to talk with each other. The Venerable Saint has pacified the soake giving out venom from his eyes, and now, he does not burn any body'. People coming there, began to bow down before śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira, and even belore the pacified suake, and they began to extol the greatness of both. Milk-malds passing-by for the sale of butter applied butter to the body of the snake. Thousands of ants attracted by the sinell of butter
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