esteem and an abiding sense of unity of interests result on the path of love. Fear is destroyed along with distrust, and misunderstandings.
Hatred leads to opposite kinds of results; misunderstand ings increase, and distrust is the prevailing cha.acteristic. Hatred is the cause of all quarrels, and wars.
Where love would unite, hatred would separate, and antagonize. If you wish to live peacefully with the world, you should follow the line of love. It may be that at times gain seems to lie in the grasp of the nation that is ready to help itself at the cost of others; but the taint of selfishness is cure to contaminate the National Conscience, and bear fruit in due course of time, however tardily it may be
To the nations of the world, Jainism proclaims with the voice of thunder to-day-"Come brothren forget your entities and your hatreds; embrace one another like brothers; you don't need to shed each other's blood. Away with the armies, and with your armaments! Men are aiready groaning under the burden of taxation, and will perish before you know waere you stand. Learn to live by ahims and love one another. You shall not need to arm yourself to the teeth any more. Do you think armies, and warlike equipments can afford anything like real protection to you? Lock at the fate of the great white Czar of all the Russians! He was slain by his own helpless peasants, who only a few days before, dared not stand in his august presence without trembling! Gone is the Kaiser too who was the lord of mighty armies !"
The surest means of safety is love, and nothing but love. But it must be an emotion of the heart-a real live sentiment that stirs us constantly to action-not a mere wordy avowal. Where love reigus, there is no room for fear.
The science of Modern Politics is at war with the Science of Peace and has led us into trouble, and the difficulties which the statesmen are unable to solve satis factorily, because of their
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