Saying so, and having turned back with great difficulty, they, then, went to their respective houses, with eyes full of unceasing tears.
Moreover, bees, attracted by the fragrance, remaining for a little more than four months, of Gośirsa sandal paste and flowers with which ramana Bhagavan Mabavi!a was worshipped by gods, during the auspicious ceremony of his Dikṣā, were coming and piercing his skin with penetrating stings.
Young persons, were asking for packets of perfumes and when Bhagavan was silent, they becoming enraged, were creating wicked troubles for him.
Females, also, becoming enamoured with feelings of sensual gratification on beholding Śramana Bhagavan Mahavira with wonderful beauty and fragrant body, were making agreeable troubles (like looking at him with voluptous eyes, embrace, clinging to his body etc) but the Lord, remaining perfectly steady like Mount Méru, endured everything, and went on wandering from one village to another.
On the same day, Śramana Bhagavan Mahāvīra reached Kumāra-grām when only one muhurta ( a period of forty-eight minutes) was remaining, and remained in deep meditation in Kayotsarga (perfect renouncement of body) at a solitary place outside the village.
When during the evening, Śramaņa Bhagavan Mahāvīra was standing in Kayotsarga, with his arms hanging in perfect relaxation, outside the village of Kumāra-grām, an insolent, cruel and wicked cowherd came to him, and entrusting him with the ore of grazing bullocks who were greatly fatigued and distressed with hunger by constant walking for the whole day, went into the village for the purpose of milking his cows. The cowherd returned home late in the evening as he had some other work to do in the village.
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