सर्वेषु कार्येषु च वीर वीरे-त्यामन्त्रणादर्शनतस्तवार्य ! । 99999794914 , far19921754 44737419: 11211 अतिप्रियं वान्धव ! दर्शनं ते, सुधाऽञ्जनं भावि कदाऽस्मदक्ष्णो: ? । नीरागचित्तोऽपि कदाचिदस्मान् , स्मरिष्यसि प्रौढगुणाभिराम ! ॥ ३ ॥ 1. Tvayā vinã Vira! Katham vrajāmo ? grihé' dhunā sūnya.
vanopamāné Gosthisukham kéna sahācarāmo ? Bhokşyāmahé kóna
sahā'tha bandhol 2. Sarvéşu kāry éşu ca Vira, Viré-tyāmantraņāddarśanata.
stavărya! Préma-prakarsadabhajāına harşam, nirāśrayāścă'tha kamă
śrayāmah? 3. Atipriyam bāndhava! darśanam' té sudbā'njanam bhāvi
kadā'amadakşnoh ? Nīrāgacitto'pi kadācidasmān, smarişyasi praaļha guņābbirāma!
1. O Vira, without you, how can we now, go to (our) house which resembles a lonely forest? With whom can we experience the happiness of familiar convereatlon? Now, O Brother! with whom shall we take our meals?
2. O Venerable Man ! By inviting you for consultation by your pet-name Vira, Vira, and by looking at you, we derived pleasure out of predominance of affection, we being devoid of protection, on whom shall we, now, depend for shelter ?
3. When shall we, O Brother ! have your highly pleaging Darśanu (sight) which is like an anointment of nectar to our eyes? O delightfull one, on account of (possessing) excellent virtues, although your heart is devoid of love, please remember LIS some day in future.
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