3. The Avadhi or the knowledge determinative is the next, Superior Senses have no share in it, Soul alone, through its own powers, and without any intermedlary, knows the objects which cccupy a giver space with reference to Time, and Spaces. Thanks to the Avadhi for example, that the adepto know what takes place in distant regions or in the future.
4. The next is of an analogous character. Manah paryaya. Aids the knower in knowing the thoughts of others. (Or Spiri. tual Clairevoyance ).
5. Lastly, the supreme degree of Knowledge is Omnisci. ence-Kévala. It is Knowledge Absolute, and Perfect, and Unlimited to which neither the present nor the past nor the iuture is hidden. This is the knowledge of the Jinas.
As regards the metaphysical aspect of knowledge, the Jains have elaborated a most original system, which far surpa. sses the more celebrated or better known method of the sceptics. It is the doctrine of “May Be ” Syādvāda, which is opposed to the dogmatic assertion of the Brāhmans-the Astivāda -just like theory of the Void and Emptiness-the Shunyavāda of the Buddhas.
According to this system, every predication is nothing more than an expression of a simple possibility. It is possible, then, at one and the same time to affirm, as well as, deny the predicate by reference to the subject. Hence, there are seven legitimate modes-the Saptabhangi Naya. prove upon him. Though he does not use quite incomprehen. sible terms still be seems to have missed the meaning of these various kinds of knowledge as they appear to a born-Jain. It seems more appropriate for instance, to desöribe what he calls Direct Perception as Intelligence which is to be found even amo ng the lowest animal whether it bas on a sense or more. The second kind, again, will receive a fitter description if it be termed Education. Its traditional basis does not entitle it to be called, “Clear Knowledge," but still it is superior to the last preceding or Intelligence. Simple. The third might be styled with justice Logical Inference-and the fourth as Spiritual Claire-voyance.
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