and Malli Náth need only be mentioned. The animal charecterising the twentieth Tirthankara---Muni Suvrata-is a tortoise. The blue lotus. is the symbol of Nami Nath, born, they say, at Mathurā. while Némi-nätha almost his homonym pas born at Dwārkā-( Kathiawar ). All these Tirtbankaras belong to the region of myth. With the twenty-third, Pārśva Nāth we enter into the region of history and of reality. Still the greater part of the data are also legendary. He was born either at Benares or Shrāvasti!* He is represented as having a blue colour with a serpent for his symbol. Mabăvira has yellow colour and the Lion is his distinctive mark. It would seem to have been under a Teak tree that he attalned to Illumination.
The True knowledge. The True Knowledge- To give one's faith to the Jina is one of the conditions for Salvation. But to strive for this Soul's emancipation one must know with a fault, the truths taught; in other words, to have the True Knowledge,
There are five degress of True Knowledge
1. The direct perception or Mati- It is the knowledge that we obtain through the aid of our senses, and it tells us the property of things, colours, odours, sounds.
2. From the data of the senses, we can obtain the other elements of knowledge. It is the clear knowledge or Shruti-( Or better called Education ).
* He was born at Benares,
* Translator's Note-The elaborate technical terminology to describe properly these ideas in English has yet to be formed. It is a misfortune inseparable from scholarly exposition, that technical terms of one language would be renderd into another by expositions, outrivalling the original terms as regards in compreheneibility by ordinary minds, and yet missing that definitenes which the orignial terms have acquired through centuries of use, and association, M. Guerinot appears to the translator, exposed to this criticism in the present instances but in the absence of a recognized terminology, it is difficult to im
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