5-6. Such as, betel nuts, Śringātaka nuts (Vern Tätet singhcda, an aquatic plant and its fruit ), date-fruit, Custard app'es sugarcandy, cãroli (Chirongia Sopida ) Citron (Citrus Medica ), grapes etc, and a collection of pleasant food (sweet-meats ) etc. And furniture for books made of a combination of gold, silver, and gems, lovely inkstands, writing reeds writing boards etc.
7. Beautiful gold ornaments in-lald with many new gems for the decoration of the idol of the Goddess of Learning and a variety of clothes for pupils.
With all these various above named articles for the teacher, the pupils, and for the Goddess of Learning Vardhamana Kumāra made , preparations for going to the house of the teacher The lord of the three worlds was, then, bathed with an abundance of silver pitchers filled with excellent sacred waters of various places of pilgrimage; and he wore a pair of beautiful divine clothes, (which was in every way pleasing to the eye and was shining brilhantly like the Moon ) Vardhamāna Kuinära was, then, decorated with jewels, crown, armlets, ear-rings, bracelets, and other ornaments given by the Indra. A spacious umbrella was held over his head; four chowries were being moved about his body; and surrounded by an arniy consisting of four parts and with many musical instruments giving out sweet melodious tunes, Vardhamāna Kumāra reached the house of the teacher. As soon as the Pandit (teacher ) put on wished garnients as white as frita Kşîrodaka, - water of Milk-Ocean,-suitable for an auspicious day and suitable to be put on while teaching the son of a great king, put on a gold sacred thread, made marks of saffron on his foreheari end as soon as he made other preparations, the throne of Sakra shook like the leaves of a Peepal tree, the ear of an elephant, the meditation of a fraudulent yogi and like an insult to a king. The Sakra having come to know the real state of affairs through the medium of safetra Avadhi Jñāna Visual Knowledge, told the gods thus:--O! It is a great wonder that Bhagavān is sent to a Writing School.'
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