When Vardhamana Kumāra was a little more than eight years old, King Siddhartha rajoicingly told Trisala-devi "O queen our son has now become fit for learning various arts and sciences, let us therefore place him under the care of a learned teacher.
अथ तं मातापितरौ विज्ञौ झालाष्टवर्षमतिमोहात् ।
परममितालङ्कार-रुपनयतो लेखशालायाम् ॥१॥ 1. Atha tam mātāpitarau vijnau. jnatvastavargamatumohat;
Varamamitalankarai-r-upanayato lekhasalayam. 1.
1. Then, the intelligent parents knowing him (Vardhamāna Kumara) to be eight years old and beautiful, and having decorated bim with various ornaments, took him to a Writing School out of great infatuation.
लमदिवसव्यवस्थिति-पुररसरं परमहर्षसंपनौ ।
पौढोत्सवान्महानि वितेनतुर्घनधनव्ययतः ॥२॥ 2. Lagna-divasa-vyavasthiti-purassaram parama-harsa rampa
nnau; Praudhoteavan mahārhān viténatu-r-ghana dhana vyayatah.
2. Following the established custom on the day of marriage, they, completly full of excessive joy, arranged for great festivals, Butiable for distinguished persons, at great expense of wealth.
गजतुरगसमुहै : स्फारकेयूरहारेः कनकघटितमुद्राकुण्डलैः कङ्कणाधैः । रुचिरतरदुकुलैः पञ्चवर्णैस्तदानीं स्वजनमुखनरेन्द्राः सक्रियन्ते स्म भक्त्या ॥ ३ ॥
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