and a prolific writer with a fertile mind, original, and inventive; cleverest of his family, and most celebrated in matters connected with religion.
Mercury was in the fourth house at the moment of birth. Therefere, śramaņa Bhagavān Mabāvîra frequently visited different countries, towns, and villages for the purpose of preaching religion. His mental powers reached the highest limit by constancy and concentration.
Sun was in benefic aspect at the moment of birth wib the planet Jupiter. Therefore, Sramaņa Bhagavān Mabāvira was elevated to the highest position, and he greatly improved his status as life advanced. He possessed the true religious spirit and a genuine good-feeling, and he was benevolent and sympathetic towards all those with whom he came in contact. He met everywhere with success that he deserved. All his undertakings turned out very satisfactorily. He was of a hope ful and cheerful disposition under any amount of difficulties. He was able to see his way to adjust his circumstances quickly and with ease.
Moon was in benefic aspect with the planet Jupiter at the moment of birth. Thereforo, śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvîra bad sufficient dignity and power 10 occupy a very prominent position and he eventually got the highest recognition. He had splendid vitality, and He was mentally honest and intuitive and progressive with a true raligious spirit, and became more and more just and sympathetic as life advanced.
Moon was in benefic aspect with the planet Venus at the moment of birth. Therefore, śramapa Bhagavān Mahāvîra had a very good environment and He was fortunate and successful in all undertakings that engaged his attention. He had a loving disposition and a very handsome pleasing personality. The internal side of His life was the best, going inward to the mind or the purely intellectual side of development,
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