worthy in all undertakings with others. His personaliry was humane. He was very disorimintive as life advanced.
The Sun-Sūrya et) was at the moment of birth in Aries Mésa Răsi farafat and the Moon-Candra sig was in VirgoKanyā Rāsi prettfat. Therefore, the practical nature of Sramana Bhagavān Mahāvira was exhalted and He had all scientific characteristics. His mind was logical, and he was quite accurate in his judgments. He had a considerable amount of ability In all literary pursuits The above position of his radical Sun and Moon also awakened all hių exalting tendencies and dispelled the melancholic attributes of Virgo, and intensified his love of study and gave him considerable amount of religious ability.
Jupiter-( Guru ) was at the moment of birth in Cancer. Karka Rāśi. Therefore, he was good-humoured, charitable, benevolent, humane, religious, and to some extent, ylelding in disposition, and open to conviction. He was sincere and devout.
The emotional side of his nature and imagination was an Intuition. But Jupiter was afflicted at birth, by Dragon's Head Rāhu (g. Therefore, he had Upasargas 39er (troubles or adversities, molestations) through enemies caused by tne Karmas of his previous lives, between the age of 30 and 42.
Venus-(sukra T) was in Taurus-Vrisabha Rāśiru afa at the moment of birth. Therefore, śramaņa Bhagavān Maha-vira had an affectionate nature, was falthful in love, and generally fixed, determined, decided, positive, and tenacious in opinion.
Mercury-(Budha gu,) was in Aries, Meşa Rāśi # cufat at the moment of birth. Therefore, śramaņa Bhagavån Mahāvîra was quick-witted, àpt at waiting and speaking, quick at retort, witty, observant, sharp, and enthusiastic. He was quick
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