2. Tribhiruccai-r-narendraḥ pancabhistatha bhavatyardhackı i; Sadbhi-r-bhavati cakravarti saptabhistirthankaro bhavati.
With three planets occupying an exalted position, the man becomes a Narendra, king; with five planets in the exalted position, he becomes an at Ardha cakri, one whose power is half that of a Cakravarti,-a Vasudeva; with six planets in the exalted position, he becomes a ff Cakravarti - sovereign of the world-paramount king; and with seven planets occupying a exalted position, the man becomes a तीर्थङ्कर Tirthankara, the founder of the Tirtha-an order of four, consi sting of ang Sadhus, Monks, reft Sadhvis Nuns; 21a Srāvaka›, Laymen, and a Srāvikās, Lay-women.
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