मुखी १ भोगी २ धनी ३ नेता ४, जायते मण्डलाधिपः ५। नृपति ६ चक्रवर्ती च ७, क्रमानुषग्रहे फलम् ॥१॥
Sukhi i Bhogi 2 Dhani 3 Nétă 4, jāyaté mandalădhipaḥ 5; Nripati 6 cakravartî ca 7, kramãducca-grahé pbalam. 1.
The planets occupying the high position have the undermentioned effects in, regular order. That is to say--A person with pe Sürya. Sun, remaining in the asiral house # Mesa (Aries ) for the ti of the total period of its transit through the house, becomes e Sukhi, h.ppy; with # Soma Moon in the astr.it l'une qui Vsis abba, laurus, for the sea of the total period of icy traust through the house, becurnus ait Bhogi, opulent; with it Mangala, Mars, in the astral house
Mriga, Capricorn, for the most of the total period becomes satt Dhanî, wealthy; with gu Budha, Mercury, in the astral house for Kanyā. Virgo for H of the total period, becomes a tar Neta, leader; with Ji Guru, Jupiter, in the astral house met Karka, Cancer, for da of the total period, becomes a sogar Mandilādhipa, chief of a province; with y Sukra, Venus. in Mina, Pisces, for fi of the total period, becomes a gre Niipari, -king; and with a Sani, Saturn, remaining in the astral house gas Tula, Librā, lur the of the total period of its transit through the house, he becomes a en Cakravartin, sovereign of the world.
तिहिं अचेहिं नरिंदो पश्चहिं तह होइ अद्धचक्की ।
यहिं होइ चकवही सत्तहिं तित्यरो होई ॥२॥ 2 Tihim uccéhim narindo pancabim taha höi addbacakki a; Chahim hồi cakkavatti, Battahim Titthaibaro hồi 2.
त्रिभिरुच्चैनरेंद्रः, पञ्चमिस्तथा भवस्पर्धचक्री । refustafa tot, fufurraten waarin
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