very long time, such as great treasures which have become bereft of their owners; great treasures which are not taken care of and to which no adition was made every year because their owners have left them, and great treasures placed by persons whose frmily-members and houses have left them; great treasures whose owners have died without a survivor; great treasures which were not taken care of and to which no addition was made year because such persons have died; and great treasures placed by persons whose family-members and houses have become quite extinct; great treasures hidden in Gāma a villages which are surrounded by hedges of thorns on four sides, and where there is an annual tax; great treasures bidden in Agara R Mines which are sources of iron, copper, and other metals; great treasures hidden in Nagar aire towns, which have a high-walled fortress and paved roads, and which are free from any tax; great treasures hidden in Kheda u or a place surrounded on all sides by a high wall of mud; great treasures hidden in Kabbada - bad towns; great treasures hidden in Madamba 5 towns which have villages on the four sides at a listance of two Koshes; great treasures bidden in Drona Mukha stora towns accessible both by water and by land; great treasures hidden in Pattana ten towns accessible either by water or by land; great treasures hidden in Asama TEH Aśrama BTWTH Places of pilgrimage or of dwellings of hermits; great treasures hidden in Samvāba fare places suitable for hoarding up corn grains ( i. e. thrashing - place ); great treasures hidden in Sannivesa afatete places suitable for camping caravans, multitudes of pilgrims, and armies; great treasures hidden in place of a triangular shape; great treasures hidden in places where three roads meet; great treasures hidden in places where four roads meet; great treasures hidden in places where many roads meet; great treasures hidden in places with doors on four sides; great treasures hidden under public roads; great treasures hidden in places where there were villages before, but which became de - populated; great treasures hidden in places where there were towns
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