19. Jāyéta yasya haranam, nljasayanopănahăm punaḥ svapne;
Tasya mriyaté dayitä, mibidā svasarirapidā cam 20. Yo mānusyasya mastaka-caraña-bbūjānām ca bhakşıņam
Rājyam, kanaka--sahasram, tadrdhamāpnotyasau kramasah. 21 Dvāra-parighasya sayana-prénkholana-păduka-nikétānām;
Bhanjanamapi yah paśyati tasyāpi kalatra-nāšan syāt, 22. Kamalākara-ratnākara-jalasampürpapagă auhrud-par&nam;
Yaḥ pastyati labhate’sä-vanimittam vittam ativipulam. 23. Atitaptam paniyam sagomayam gadulamausadhéņa yutam;
Yaḥ pibati so'pl niyatam mriyaté'tisāra-rogéna.
19. The wife of the man, who sees in a dream, the abduction of his bedding and of his shoes, dies; and the person himself suffers severe bodily afliction.
20. The man who, in a dream, eats the head of a man, obtains a kingdom; the man who eats the feet of a man in a dream obtains one thousand gold mohurs; and the man who eats the arms of a man in a dream obtairs five hundred gold mohurs.
21. The man who, ( in a dream, ) sees the breaking of his door-bar, of his bed, of his swinging-board, of his shoes, and of his house, has loss of his wife.
22. The man, who in a dream, sees a lake, a sea, a river full of water, and the death of his friend, obtains much wealth suddenly, without any visible cause.
23. The man who in a dream, drinks very hot dirty water mixed with cow-dung and mixed with medicines, positively dies, suffering from diarrhoea.
cara fayret 7*r-T-48TT-gartal यः विदधाति स्वप्ने, तस्य भवेत् सर्ववो बुदिः ॥ २५ ॥
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