along with its gold and soas, even if he be a pauper, that is to say, he becomes a sovereign of the world.
15. If any one sces, in a dream, the deprivation (abduction) of his weapon, ornaments, gems, pearls, gold, silver, and other metals except gold and silver, that dream, in majority of cases results in loss of wealth and fame, and brings about terrible death.
16. The man, who riding on a wbite elephant. eats rice on the bank of a river, (in a dream ), enjoys the wbole world, becoming pious, even if he be of a low birth.
___17. A man, seeing the abduction of his wife, (in a dream) suffers loss of wealth and property, and seeing humiliation of his wife, suffers mental agony, while a man, seeing. ( in a dream ), the abduction and humiliation of females of his family, meets with the murder or bondage of his kiadmen.
__18. The man, who is bitten by a write serpent on his right arm, in a dream, obtains one thousand gold moburs within five nights.
जायेत यस्य हरणं, निजशयनो-पानहां पुनः स्वप्ने । तस्य नियते दयिता, निविडा स्वशरीरपीडा च ॥ १९ ॥ यो मानुष्यस्थ मस्तक-धरण-भुजानां च भक्षणं कुरुते । राज्यं कनकसहस्त्रं, तदर्धमाभोत्यसौ क्रमशः ॥ २० ॥ द्वारपरिघस्य शयन-खोलन-पादुका-निकेतानाम् । मशनमपि यः पश्यति, सस्याऽपि कलपनाशः स्यात् ॥ २१ ॥ कमलाकर-रत्नाकर-जलसम्पूर्णापगाः मुहन्मरणम् । यः पश्यति छमतेऽसावनिमित्वं वित्तमतिविपुलम् ॥ २२ ॥ अवितप्तं पानीयं, सगोमयं गडुलमोषधेन युतम् । या पिबति सोऽपि नियतं, म्रियतेऽत्रीसाररोगेक॥ २३ ॥
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