people were arrogant, disrespectful, and quarrelsome, and that so useful service can be ever expected from such insolent persons during the time of wars, peremptorily dismissed them,
The instructors of the Signs of Dreams greeted king Siddhartha with the foilowing benedictory words:
दीर्घायुभव वृत्तवान् भव भव श्रीमान् यशस्वी भव मावान् भव भूरिसत्त्वकरुणादानैकशौण्डो भव । मोगाढयो भव माग्यवान् भव महासौभाग्यशाली भव
पौढश्रीव कीर्तिमान् भव, सदा विश्वोपजीव्यो भव ॥१॥ 1. Dirghayu-r-bhava, vrittavan bhava, bhava Sriman, yatasvi
bhava, Prajnavan bhava; bhuri-sattva-karuna-danaika-taundo
Bhogādhyo bhava, bhāgyavăn bhava, mabāsaubhāgyasält bhava, Praudhasri bhava kirtiman bhava sadā visvopajivyo bhava. 1. 1, Be long-lived, be virtuous, be wealthy, be famoum,
Be wise, be passionately fond of strong characı.er, compa. asion and charity:
Be abounding in objects of enjoyment, be lucky, be immen-aoly prosperous,
Be full of royal dignity, be Illustrious, and be always capable of furnishing a maintenance to the entire world. 1.
२. कल्याणमस्तु शिवमस्तु धनागमोऽस्तु,
दीर्घायुरस्तु सुवजन्मसमृद्धिरस्तु । वैरिक्षयोऽस्तु नरनाथ ! सदा जयोस्तु, पुष्पकले च सततं जिनमकिरस्तु ॥ २॥
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