Because, it is said:
सर्वेऽपि यत्र नेतारः, सर्वे पण्डितमानिनः । सवें महत्वमिच्छन्ति, तद्वन्दमवसीदति ॥१॥
1. Sarve'pi yatra nétāraḥ sarvé panditamāninah;
Sarvé mahatvamicchanti, tad vrindamavasidati 1.
1. An assemblage, in which all are leaders; all consider themselves as equally wise; and, in which all hanker after greatness,-that-askem-blage perishes.
The Story of five hundred warriors serves as a good example, it runs as follows:
Five hundred warriors with different shades of temperament, and not agreeable to each other, but paffed up with the pride of their own valour and disrespectful, went to a king with the object of seeking employment under him They were very arrogant considering themselves as “Indras", destitute of any polite behaviour between elders and youngsters, and were quarrelling with each other.
With the object of testiug them, the king, under the advice of his minister, sent only one couch for them. Since they were arrogant, disrespectful, and quarrelsome, they began to fight with one another for the use of the couch during the night. At last, under the false impression that the couch is being used equally by all, they kepti the couch in the centre, kept all their weapons on it, and slept with their feet directed towards the couch.
When informed of the incident of the night by king's servants secrty placed there, the king, thinking that those
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