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Federation of Jain Associations in North America
Live and Help Live JAINA Headquarters: 722 S Main Street, Milpitas, CA 95035 USA: (510) 730-0204, ww.jaina.org | info@jaina.org JAINA
Executive Committee
Mr. Ashok Domadia Fremont, CA (510) 364-7939 ashokdomadia2009@gmail.com
First Vice President Mr. Gunvant Shah
No. Brunswick, NJ (732) 253-7049 profgaryshah@gmail.com
Mrs. Shobha Vora
San Jose, CA (408) 833-8822 shvora2010@gmail.com
Mrs. Rita Sheth Tulsa, OK (918) 398-6024 jainatreasurer1@gmail.com
Vice President-Canada Dr. Raj Patil Toronto, CANADA (905) 792-8655 drpatil@hotmail.com
Vice President-Mideast Mr. Prakash Mehta Oak Hill, VA (571) 331-1851 pmehta@psiint.com
Vice President- Midwest Mr. Hemant T. Shah Carol Stream, IL (630) 933-8311 hemantil@yahoo.com
Vice President-Northeast
Dr. Mamta Shaha Great Neck, NY (516) 410-8589 mamta.shaha@gmail.com Vice President-Southeast Mr. Rajendra Mehta Longwood, FL (407) 376-1073 rajkumud@hotmail.com Vice President-Southwest Dr. Pradeep Shah Dallas, TX (214) 621-8762 pshah972@gmail.com Vice President-West Mr. Mahesh Wadher Corona, CA (909) 376-4027 mahesh.wadher@gmail.com Young Jain Proffesionals Ms. Sheenika Shah San Diego, CA Ms. Rupal Vora
Raleigh, NC chairs@yip.jaina.org
Young Jains Of America Ms Sneha Parikh
Boston, MA Mr. Prerak Adhuria Atlanta, GA chairs@yja.org Past President Mr. Prem Jain
"To Preserve and Share Jain Philosophy and Way of Life"
Fremont, CA (408) 981-4645 premjain1@gmail.com
|| Shree Adinathay Namah ||
June 1, 2016
Dear Yatris,
In consideration of being allowed to attend the Shree Shatrunjay Mahatirth- 99 Yatra in 2016 related events, activities, and programs, I acknowledge and agree that:
1. I, and the participants I am registering, will refrain from indiscreet, inappropriate, or destructive behavior which would detract from the positive image of Shree Shatrunjay Mahatirth- 99 Yatra in 2016. I understand that failure to comply may result in exclusion from further participation in the event; and/or disciplinary actions as determined by the 99 Yatra 2016 Project Committee.
2. I accept full responsibility for the actions of all participants I am registering for the Shree Shatrunjay Mahatirth-99 Yatra event in 2016 related events, activities, and programs.
Participants Name (Print):
1, for myself, all participants I am registering, and on behalf of my and their families, heirs and assigns, do hereby covenant not to sue the JAINA & Shree Shatrunjay Mahatirth 99 Yatra Project Committee, and do hereby waive any claim against the 99 Yatra Project Committee, and release and discharge 99 Yatra Project Committee, its officers, agents, volunteers, employees, and sponsors from any and all liability for any and all claims, demands, losses or damages on account of any discipline imposed for failure to comply with the Guidelines, and on account of any injury, including death and damage to property, whether caused by negligence or otherwise. I also give my authority and permission to the 99 Yatra Project Committee for taking any and all actions, which it seems necessary in the event of injury and/or damage to persons or property in my accomplishment. I permit the 99 Yatra Committee to use any of the information pertaining to my attendance, and the attendance of all participants I am registering, for its use, publication, and desire. I acknowledge that the 99 Yatra Project Committee or the Dharmashala does not maintain insurance covering my person, property, or liability, or the person, property or liability of participants I am registering, in regards to the 99 Yatra event. It is my sole responsibility to obtain any and all insurance covering losses incurred by me and participants I am registering while present at the Shree Shatrunjay Mahatirth-99 Yatra in 2016.
I have read and fully understood the terms of this liability release. Participants Signature & Date Signed:
Founded 1981, UN NGO, A Non-Profit Tax Exempt Religious Organization 501(c)(3) El # 54-1280028