becomes weakening of character. False faith results in ignorance, which goes on increasing by its own force and precludes vision. We can evaluate and learn from others' experience as well as our own. Total faith in the teachings of Tirthankaras is the first critical step for right understanding and to reinforce rational understanding, self study and contemplation, are essential. Obviously, rational understanding entails study, observation and experimentation with an open unbiased attitude. It avoids all preconceived notions and blind adherence to any faith or individual. Knowledge obtained through such an approach is right knowledge and the conduct conforming to right faith and right knowledge is right conduct
Mahavira said, “There are two faculties and five ways in which one obtains knowledge, cognition or capability to know, of the things and the world in which one lives."
The soul or consciousness has both perception and intelligence. As conscious, the soul experiences in the three ways: Some experiences merely the fruits of karma; some, their own activity; some again, knowledge. Consciousness operates through understanding. The understanding is divided into two species i.e. perception and cognition.Perception is the method to grasp the outer world. Perception is direct and cognition stands for the passive experience of the phenomena, the experience of psychical state leading to pure knowledge.The five instruments of knowledge are divided into two namely, immediate cognition and mediate cognition. The cognition is derived through sensual cognition, namely by ears, eyes, nose, tounge and touch and known as Empirical knowledge,