Mahavira said, “Knowledge of numerous scriptures is of no use to a person who has no character. Can crores of burning lamps give light to a blind person."
One must embody these principles in one's own life; conduct is equally essential. Without character, human birth is futile. Even a little knowledge will yield great fruit if it is accompanied by virtuous conduct. Noble conduct is the ladder which leads to liberation. Righteousness arises from the application of right knowledge, intuition, self-control and austerities. Right conduct involves being at peace with oneself and with one's sentient and insentient environment. Character is valuable as it adorn your capabilities. Right conduct is obstructed by passions and sensual pleasures extinguish the light of knowledge. All the sufferings sprout from passions. The rise of passion, obscure the capacity of abstention from immoral and sinful activities and worldly tendencies.
Character and bliss merge to become one.One who is situated in rational conduct, need not search for peace elsewhere, for one enjoys peace and wellness within oneself. Peace and tranquillity are deeply related to conscience. One who does not experience bliss, has a perverted character. A pervert seeks bliss in external objects and intoxicants like smoking, drinking and narcotic drugs and abuses substances or uses wealth and power for ego gratification etc.
Mahavira said, “A person who has no right faith, even if he undertakes severe austerities for thousands of years, cannot achieve enlightenment."
A man in the state of perversity of attitude cannot differentiate right from wrong. Weakening of attitude