the mind never become quiet, perfect meditation and concentration is not possible.
Mahavira said, “There are many women in the world who are famous everywhere for their purity and chastity. They are like the goddesses on the earth and even revered by gods. All classes of living being pay homage to a celibate monk who stands rooted in the difficult vow of celibacy."
The great charm of all power is modesty. Chastity has been classified as a great moral virtue. Someone who has conquered his biology and is able to transmute/sublimate the sexual energy into more productive pursuits is highly admirable. The man who observes faultless, true and complete celibacy deserves all praise and veneration, not only from common people of the world, but also from all great souls.
Celibacy is the best companion of a saint. Celibacy is said to be the most difficult of all vows and therefore it is considered as the principal vow. For monks, it means control of all biological instincts, functions and senses ignoring all environmental, artificial and other provocations or distractions. There should be no gradual tapering off of sexuality in stages, for no allowance is made for the expression of this urge in a monk's life. For monks or nuns who have devoted their lives to an intense effort to gain liberation, merely, one sexual encounter incurs enough karma to hamper that effect significantly. No penance is sufficient for a monk who violates this fundamental vow in the smallest degree. Breach of this vow is the downfall of devotion. Saint, therefore, has to nourish this vow of celibacy all with due care and alertness.