and its various faculties. The body is energized, the intellect and memory get sharpened, and speech becomes lucid and powerful. Its observation without break develops retentive faculty and intuition. From this arises the capacity for grasping and retaining power. By observance of celibacy, steadiness of concentration is achieved and the experience of a state of noble thinking gets extended.
Celibacy is a great quality that is difficult to be practiced by weak. Observance of celibacy even in a dream is not possible for persons with limited capacity and loose character, who are timid, helpless, and slaves to their senses. Only persons of Great Spirit are able to observe this conduct in its true sense. He, who is neither infatuated nor attracted even after observing feminine charms, really observes the most difficult conduct of celibacy. Vow of celibacy by an old and feeble is meaningless. Such a person is misleading himself.
Sexuality is anti-ethical to spirituality, because the loss of control, the carelessness, the inherent destruction of life and the passionate fervour of sexuality are the stumbling blocks on the path of selfrealisation. Psychologists accept that tension of sex is perpetual. Without seducing sexual propensity one cannot become spiritual. For spiritual road one has to remain absolutely pure. Celibacy has an extensive creative power because it is the most effective means of developing and liberating the inner consciousness. One can train one's inner powers only if one is completely continent. Celibacy is said to be the supreme austerity. Abstinence is a real virtue. And unless lust is controlled and strict chastity is observed,