auspicious, one feels happy and if inauspicious one feels misery or disease. Disease is one. Only the name is changed according to its location in organs of the body. On account of Karma separation the Karma body becomes attenuated and as a result physical body becomes healthy and pleasing.
Jainism prescribes treatment of the malady, liquidation of karma, by means of penance, fasting etc., swadhyaya or self-knowledge, kayotsarga, deep relaxation and rest in a state of non-attachment to body and meditation and not taking resort to the science of medicine. Physical and mental illness and instability can be removed or controlled through the process of penance (fasting etc.), the means of shedding off the karmas, toxins, self-study identify them, and relaxation stop influx of karma and meditation liquidate them. Meditation has been termed as fire which burns all karma. These things are more important than a medicine. All medical procedures of treatment are not ultimate remedies to tranquilizing the rise of karma and there is, however, definite bondage of evil karma on account of the treatment involving the violence.
Mahavira said, "When fever comes a monk should do attham tap, fasting for 3 days at least." Everything you eat or drink has ability to help heal your body or to poison it. It is an important rule of life is, "When feeling bad, cease all eating. Instead of using medicine, rather, fast a day." This is one of the most important rules that may be observed in the care of the ailing body. Fasting is a cure to put the digestive system in order. The starting point of ailment is digestive system. 70% of immune system is located in