immune system function. Malnutrition is also most common cause of immune deficiency.
The power to restore health thus lies not in drugs, but in nature. The state of medicine today requires that we take responsibility for our own health and healing giving the Nature a chance to restore the disturbed equilibrium. Treatment can also be done naturally. No treatment means curing naturally. Nature prevents disease and maintains health. Nature heals. There are natural self-repairing mechanisms in the body that stop-bleeding, fight infections, kill cancer cells, reduce pain and inflammation, eliminate toxins and so on. The body detoxes itself naturally, but there are things you can do to help the process. External help like control of diets can facilitate and quicken recovery. Cures should be affected rather by regulating diet rather than by the use of medicines, but we start drugging and put more toxins in the body instead of obnoxious taken out of body fully, ignoring its signal that the organs of the body need a vacation.
As per Jainism the ailment is due to the rise of sensation karma, medically known as foreign elements, toxin of definite fruition. Karma refers to the after effect or reactions. There is accumulation of karma in the body. Karma ripens and produces its effects. The ordinary human brain thinks in terms of duality - light and shade, sweet and sour, good and bad. That duality does not exist in nature. It is not related to any incidence, but when our mental conscience is connected to it we experience it. Sensuous karma covers soul's eternal bliss. On rise of sensuous karma, body experience happiness and misery. Sensuous karma is of two types - auspicious and inauspicious. If karmas are