jainişo in action
Poga & Meditation
For thousands of years, Jains have been practicing Yoga and
Meditation for their spiritual upliftment. Yoga develops a strong, healthy and flexible body and helps
unite the mind, body and spirit. It is a precursor to meditation. Meditation enables you to realize and experience the present. Living in the present moment frees you from attachment and hatred.
In this moment you are beyond the effects of karma. Only the
perception of Observer' and Knower' prevails. Where there is action of Knowing and Observing, there is no bondage of karma. You realize that the happiness you seek outside is flowing inside you.
“A person who meditates for two and a half minutes purifying his mind
surpasses one who has done a penance of fasting for two days. The power of meditation is infinite because a pure state of mind, consciousness is worth more than a thousand years of penance"
- Acharya Mahaprajnaji