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Conflict Resolution
Jains, endowed with the doctrine of Non-absolutism (Anekantavad), are ideally positioned to lead the field in conflict resolution. This pluralistic principle encourages
understanding and respect for the views of the other, leading to universal brotherhood and peaceful co-existence.
H.H.Acharya Mahäprajna, in cooperation with India's president _Dr. Kalam and 15 other spiritual leaders, founded FÜREC Foundation for unity of religion and enlightened citizen; to facilitate
acceptance, respect and coexistence of all religions & spirituality. He also launched Ahimsa Yatra' in 2001 and helped to resolve the
issue of communal riots by dialogues and meeting with the leaders of both sides. We encourage all Jains to listen, learn, share, educate,
and be a part of the solution in their community and beyond.