In Cattvärtha-Sutra of Umäsväti Circumference of a circle = VIO x diameter area of a circle= 1/4 X circumference X diameter formulae gives √10 as the value of П
Other Jain scriptures that are important from the viewpoint of mathematics are Surya Prajnapti, Jamboo Dwipa Prajnapti, Sthänänga Sutra, Uttaradhyayan Sutra, Bhagawati Sutra, and Anuyoga wara Sutra.
The Jains required very large numbers for their measurements of space and time. one purvi = 75,600,000,000,000 years one Shirsha Prahelika = (8,400,000) 28 purvis This number contains 194 digits. The introduction of such large numbers led Jains to the conception of enumerable & infinity.