Main shravaks Philanthropist Bhamashah
Among the patriots who served their king and country wholeheartedly, Bhämäshäh's name stands out worthy of a most honorable mention. Instead of spending his wealth on temple building, which was then, a symbol
of pride and fame, he donated his entire fortune to his king Ränä Pratäp, to defend his land from the invaders. He examplifies
what it is to be an ideal Jain, one who helps others in need and sacrifices all in the cause of duty to his country and his people.
Jagdushah "Saviour of Mankind"
A man who found his purpose in life by helping humanity, Seth Jagdushah of Kutch was a compassionate philanthropist. During the famine of 1257-1259 AD, he opened the doors to his stock rooms and distributed grains
and clothing to the people of Gujarat, and neighboring states. He opened up 115 community kitchens to feed thousands fo three years in a row.
Kumarpal-An Ideal Jain King
Influenced by Ächärya Hemachandra, Kumärpal was a great ambassador of Jainism. He banned gambling and drinking of alcohol, ended capital punishment, wars and sacrificing animals. he defended the weak and protected the honor of women. He also established 21 libraries to nurture and promote literature and commissioned copying of Jain Ägams and many other literary works.