One of the oldest philosophical traditions of the world, the Jain Way of Life is intertwined with time and like time it has no beginning and no end. Mahavirswami said:
"Vattana Lakkhano Kalo" The characteristics of time is that it makes things change.
"There is truth in the Jaina idea that their religion goes back to a remote
antiquity, the antiquity in question being that of the pre-Aryan, so called Dravidian illuminated by the discovery of a series of great late stone-age cities
in Indus valley, dating from third and perhaps even fourth millennium B.C."
- Prof. Zimmer The excavations at Mohenjodaro and Harappa show that Jainism existed five thousands years ago, because the pose of the standing deities on the Indus seals resembles the pose of standing image of Rushabhadev obtained from Mathura. A glance over the glorious past of Jainism
reveals that the lives of Rushabhadev and the succeeding twenty-three Tirthankaras have deeply impressed the entire world's culture. When Alexander invaded India he came across a host of nude Jain saints whom the Greek writers call Gymnosophists. The Greek
word for a nude philosopher.