God in Jainism does not judge anyone or intervene by punishing or rewarding anyone. This concept empowers every individual with complete control of their life by giving them full responsibility of their past, present and future.
There is, however, a place for worship and prayer in Jainism and the reason and justification for the same is summarized well in Umäsväti's Tattvärtha-Sutra in following terms:
mokshamargya natatam bhattarum: karam bhu bhratham gyatata vishvatattavanum, vande tadgun labdye
Sarvartha Sidhhi Commentary on Tattvartha sutra by Acharya Pujyapad Devanandi
Meaning, Co the leaders of the path of liberation, Destroyer of all the karma, Knowers of the whole truth, I bow to acquire these qualities.
Thus, Jains may offer worship and prayers to the qualities of the leaders on the path of liberation. The purpose being that the worshipper may acquire such qualities by following in the footsteps of the leaders through action after all one learns best by example. Nowhere is it implied, however, that the leader will carry the follower or even hold his hand. They have set the example. Now it is up to us to get inspired and act, to liberate our souls
In short, we worship the ideals for which the idol stands