Anekant of the Jains
Non Absolutism
"To deny the co-existence of mutually conflicting viewpoints about a thing would mean to deny the true nature of reality" - Ächärang Sutra
Mahävirswämi, one of the most revolutionary thinkers of all times, gave us a bold, open minded but simple principle of Anekäntaväd (non absolutism) and Syädväd (relativity of truth).
So, what does Anekäntaväd realy mean? An(non) ek(one) ant(end) väd(ness) Simply put, avoiding single absolute conclusion or non absolustic thinking
Emphasizing the limits of ordinary knowledge, Jain philosophy presents the theory that truth is relative to the perspective (naya) from which it is known. This dynamic philosophy of open-mindedness in life leads to the
Respct for the views of others
Authoritative Absolutism