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visit www.dwarkadheeshvatu.com NorthEast Facing Construction
SouthEast Facing Construction By dividing the North East face into
By dividing the South East face into three parts, the street thrust will be
three parts, the street thrust will be = NIE
seen as if it is totally on the East V ! ! seen as if it is totally on the East side!
N NE E This is beneficial causing men folk
side. This is beneficial causing
E SEIS enjoying sound health, happy life,
male folk enjoying sound health, name & fame in society, good nature Building
happy life, name & fame in society, Building and respectable in society. Basement
good nature and respectable in here will neutralize all beneficial effects
society. Basement here will NL and on the other hand cause adverse influence too.
neutralize all beneficial effects and on the other hand cause adverse influence too.
By dividing the South East face into Road Hit By dividing the North East face into
three parts, the street thrust will be three parts, the street thrust will be :
seen as if it is South & South East
NIE seen as if it is totally on the North
E SE S N side. This is beneficial causing
side. This is malevolent causing
NE E female folk enjoying sound health,
female folk in particular first lady
Building happy life, name & fame in society,
being unwell, indebtedness, fights & Building
disputes, mental worries, fire & theft good nature and respectable in
w society.
hazards, court cases, problems with N
administration and second & sixth child havina Basement here will neutralize all beneficial effects
troublesome life & marital discords. Basement here and on the other hand cause adverse influence too.
would greatly enhance the adverse effects.
When there is street thrust on the
When there is street thrust on the Road Hit whole of NorthEast face, it is totally
whole of South East face, 1/3 of the benevolent, causing increased
street thrust is Eastern which is earning, complete family being
benevolent. However the other two ESES prosperous, residents enjoying higher
South & South East street thrust status in official life and Head of the
have adverse effects. Consequent family, first & fourth child in particular
to benevolent street thrust, the enjoying huge benefits. Basement WL
adverse effects would be partially NL here will neutralize all beneficial
reduced. Basement here would effects and on the other hand cause adverse influence toogreatly enhance the adverse effects.
E Main Door S E Main Door Remedial Measures : Construct two wall at least 4 inches thick and 8 feet high (at least 4 inches apart) opposite the thrusting street, leaving just adequate space
Building between this wall and main walls. Main door should be as shown.
W NI South West Facing Construction
North West Facing Construction By dividing the South West face into
By dividing the North West face into three parts, the street thrust will be
three parts, the street thrust will be seen. seen as if it is totally on the South side
as if it is totally on the North side. This is SV
W from 1 foot to 1/3 of South West is -
beneficial causing financial prosperity, WINWIN
SISWI W beneficial, causing female folk would
female folk being happy & healthy and enjoy happy & healthy life, prestige in
having good temperament. society and soft temperament. Building
Basement here will neutralize all
Building Basement here would greatly
beneficial effects and on the other hand
F enhance the adverse effects.
cause adverse influence too.
col Road
By dividing the South West face into Road Hit By dividing the North West face into Road Hit three parts, the street thrust will be s
three parts, the street thrust will be seen as if it is West & South West side
seen as if it is West & North West SideW VIL from 1 foot to 2/3 of South West side is
SISWI WI This is malevolent causing complete
WINWIN malevolent, causing head of the
family would be unwell, indebtedness, family, men folk, first & fifth child being
Building fights & disputes, mental worries,
Building unwell, low esteem, bad habits, being
insolvency, court cases, problems with convicted, going to jail and living E
administration and third & seventh S outside the house are indicated.
child having troublesome life & marital discords. Basement Basement here would greatly reduce the adverse effects. here would greatly enhance the adverse effects.