General Index
36-38, 164 Vaiseșikas 109, 110 vaktā - the speaker 137 vākya – the sentence 25, 136, 137 valid knowledge 14, 15, 25, 42, 65,
67, 120, 129, 131, 133, 136, 137,
158 vāsanā - suffusions 91 vastu-prapanca – non-reality of the
world of things 47 vrtti – occurrence 105, 107 vāyu - air 70, 111 Uedana - sensation, feeling 93 vicitra - variegated 153 vidheya - affirmative 39 vidhi – affirmation 42, 84, 167, 168 vidyā – knowledge 51 vijñāna - consciousness or
discernment 93 vijñānādvaita - cognition arrived
at through the subjective act of mind is the only source of valid
knowledge 129-130 vikaladeśa - partial and relative 44 vipaksa - heterogeneous example
62, 63
vipakşa-vyāvștti - non-existence by
contrariety in a heterogeneous
example 62, 63 višeşa - particular, specific 42, 58,
98. 103, 104, 119, 120, 173 visesaņa - qualifying attribute 36
39, 45, 83 višeşya – entity qualified 39, 83 vismaya - astonishment 4 viśuddhi - auspicious kind of
disposition 148 vītarāga - free from all attachment
144 vyakta - manifest 69, 70 vyāpti – logical or inseparable
connection 36, 53, 164 vyatireka - distinction, exclusion
36, 37, 116 vyavahāra şatkāraka - empirical
sixfold factors-of-action 48-49 vyaya – disappearance 79, 98, 99
yutasiddha - residing in separate
substrata 107
żarā - old-age 4