General Index
108-110 Samayasāra 71, 78 saṁsāra - cycle of rebirths 94, 155 samudāya - aggregate of qualities
in a single object 56 santāna - series of successive
events 56, 80-82, 93 sapaksa - homogeneous example
62, 63 sapakşa-sattva - existence of
connection in a homogeneous
example 62, 63 saptabhangi - the seven-nuance
system 27, 28, 32, 34, 40, 45,
162, 168 saptabhanga - the seven limbs 28,
161 sarvajña - Omniscient 3, 10, 12 Sarvārthasiddhi 97, 144, 145, 157 sarvātmaka - pervading in
everything, all-pervading 21, 24 sat - existing, being 27, 32-34, 42,
57, 73, 79, 84, 86, 98, 99, 102,
168 sat-cid-ãnanda – Existence
Thought-Bliss' 47 sattā - existence 104 samjñā - perception or cognition,
designation 93, 115, 117, 134,
135 samjñī – named, word-denoted
entity 54, 84 Sāmkhya 69-71, 73, 113, 149 samkhyā - enumeration 99, 115 saṁklesa -inauspicious kind of
disposition 148 sampradāna - bestowal 48-50 sarskāra - mental formations,
volitions 93 samurti - fictional, mere usage 81,
87,93 samurti-satya - the phenomenal
reality 94 scripture 3, 4, 6, 13, 14, 32, 51, 125,
129, 160, 169, 175 sense-organs 69 Shah, Nagin J. 86 Shastri, Devendra Muni 162 skandha - lump or aggregate,
molecule 93, 111, 112 sky-flower 43, 54, 64, 77, 83, 99,
100, 110, 172 smaraņa – memory 75 smrti - memory 75, 90, 96, 97 śoka – grief 4 sparśa - touch 70 speculation 11, 157 śrotā - the hearer 137 śrutakevalins - Masters of
Scripture 160 stutya - worthy of adoration 3 śubha - virtuous 16, 51 śuddhi - spiritual purity 153, 154 śuddhopayoga - established in
pure self 50 śukla - pure (concentration) 148 śünya - null and void 33, 94 śunyavāda - nihilism 88 svabhāva - own-being, own-nature
32, 85, 94, 98, 148, 154, 155