Pupil. The ordinary conversation of a theosophist and his pupil helps to create knowledge: for instance, he asks, say who is the momenjoyer? The pupil replies "Reflected Intelligence Sir." Why? “For its being an agent or instrument.” Speaking in verse is thus illustrated That am I' cxistence, Intelligence and bliss. The senses are engaged in their several works, 1 am their controller and king. Sometimes he sets them to music and sings. Sometimes in the midst of his conversation he repeats texts from the Sacred Scriptures or alludes to the signification of“ That art thou.” Now all these methods help the destruction of pain or misery firmly seated in your heart, and bring in the perception of felicity as a result of the knoirledge, Self is Brahma.
The words he pronounces gently, are pleasing,
And illustrate the seven grounds [sorts] of knowledge. Pupil, a sage whose words are naturally gentle and pleasant to hear, illustrates the seven grounds of knowledge.
Says the pupil
Bhagavail, I am in much grief, And can hear nothing more: Let me listen to the seven grounds, That I may know them.
Replies the Guru.
Good desire, good discrimination, Restraining the mind, removing Objections against the one existence, Indifforence, and absence of materiality are six indd Ecstacy the seventh : know Them to be the seven grounds. And if any doubt lurks in you, Speak unto me that I may remove.