The author begins the present book by referring to what the pupil had already said :
Lord! Of a theosophist's qualitics, I am aware. He is absolutey unconnected, Without any determination,
A sea of illimitable bliss. Bhagavan, what you say about a theosophist being free from determination and desires, and area of illimitable blissfulness, all these indications I have come to know certainly. His purport is now being declared:
I am full of motives, bis intellect is good, How can there be a relation between us? I know not to ask questions,
How can then I be benefited by his instruction ?
Lord, as I am bent after the pursuit of material omforts, and he a person of great intellect and good, free from Whem, consequently for this natural antagonism, there can be no connection created between us. If you say, he is kind in disposition and waits not to expect anything from me, yet as I am full of illusion, I know not how to frame questions, hofv can then it be possible for me to profit by his instructions by eliciting replies, ou Self-knowledge and be released ? Says the GuruWhat a sage speaks ordinarily, or in verse, or from the
Scriptures Helps to destroy pain, and produces felicity (to a