Samvatsari Pratikramana
bhamalie, pitta-muchchhäe. (1) Suhumehim anga-sanchälehim, Suhumehim khel-sanchälehim,
suhumehim ditthi-sanchälehim. (2) Evamäiehim ägärehim, a-bhaggo a-virähio, Hujja me käussaggo. (3)
Jäva arihantänam bhagavantänam, Namukkärenam na päremi. (4)
Täva käyam thänenam monenam jhänenam, Appänam vosirämi. (5)
I shall now engross myself in meditation in a completely motionless yoga posture (Käyotsarga) for a specified duration. I will remain motionless except for breathing in and out, coughing, sneezing, yawning, belching, involuntarily losing balance, vomiting, fainting, subtle flickering movements of the eyes and other involuntary bodily movements.
I shall perform meditation and keep myself (my soul) away from all sinful activities by keeping my body motionless and by observing complete silence. At the conclusion of meditation, I will complete the Käyotsarga by offering salutation to Arihants.
Observe kausagga of one logassa till 'Chandesu Nimmalayara' or four Navkars. For purification of 'Darshanachaar', relieve kausagga with 'Namo Arihantanam'