and speech, and the passions and emotions, these create a fertile ground for fresh karmic matter to get associated with the soul. Thus the process of falling off of old and bondage of new karmas goes on incessantly. The wise, after knowing the true nature of the soul and the karmic matter, engages himself in the practice of ridding his soul of the bondage of karmic shackles. He reckons that the soul is pure consciousness and all other dispositions are alien to it; only the various forms of karmas have kept it confined to and whirling in the mire of the world. After completely annihilating karmas associated with the soul, there is no cause for the soul to further wander in worldly existence. He turns his soul inwards and avoids all outward concerns. Once the pure Self is realized, there is no fear of coming back to samsāra as no force, no influence, no power, howsoever strong, can affect it. The soul gets to its pure, pristine state characterized by supreme bliss, omniscience and other inherent attributes, and remains as such for ever.
Excerpted from: Jain, Vijay K., “Acārya Pujyapada's Istopadeśa - The Golden Discourse", (2014), Vikalp Printers, p. 8-10.
बिभेति मृत्योर्न ततोऽस्ति मोक्षो नित्यं शिवं वाञ्छति नास्य लाभः । तथापि बालो भयकामवश्यो वृथा स्वयं तप्यत इत्यवादीः ॥
सामान्यार्थ - यह प्राणी मृत्यु से डरता रहता है परन्तु उससे छुटकारा नहीं मिलता है। वह सर्वदा कल्याण को या मुक्ति को चाहता रहता है परन्तु