सुख-दुःख या इष्ट सामग्री की प्राप्ति - अप्राप्ति होती है उसमें दो कारणों की आवश्यकता होती है - अन्तरङ्ग कारण कर्म का शुभ व अशुभ उदय है व बाहरी कारण उसके अनुकूल द्रव्य, क्षेत्र, काल व भाव का सम्बन्ध है। यदि शुभ कर्म सहाई न हो तो कार्य नहीं भी होता है, इसीलिए कहते हैं कि कार्यों के करने के लिये सहकारी कारण मिलने पर भी अहंकार से युक्त मानव असमर्थ हो जाता है। हे सुपार्श्व जिन ! ऐसा आपने यथार्थ उपदेश दिया है।
The accomplishment of a task depends on the availability of the internal as well as the external causes. The (internal) power of the fruition of karmas cannot be transgressed. The arrogant man remains unsuccessful in accomplishing the task in spite of the availability of the external causes. O Lord Supārśvanātha, you had rightly said so.
Note: In discussing the relation between the soul and the karmic matter, Jainism makes an important distinction between the material or substantial cause (upādāna kartā) and the auxiliary or external cause (nimitta kartā). The Self is the substantial cause of psychical states and matter is the substantial cause of organic states. And yet psychical states and organic states are external causes of each other. One psychical state is produced by an immediately preceding psychical state, and determined externally by an organic state. In like manner, one organic state is determined by immediately preceding organic state and conditioned externally by a psychical state. There is similar parallelism that explains the causal inter-relation between the Self and