Nigghäyanatthäe, thämi käussaggam. (1)
I now want to absolve all my sins committed (as mentioned in the Iriyavahiya Sutra) by repenting. To purify my soul and to make it free of pain (caused by practicing religion without right faith or practicing to impress others or for worldly gains) and to completely destroy all my sins, I shall now perform Käyotsarga.
કાઉસ્સગના ૧૬ આગાર (છૂટનું) વર્ણન Annattha-usasienam, nisasienam, Khäsienam, chhienam, jambhäienam, Udduenam, väya-nisaggenam, bhamalie,
pitta-muchchhäe. (1) Suhumehim anga-sanchälehim,
Suhumehim khel-sanchälehim,
suhumehim ditthi-sanchälehim. (2) Evamäiehim ägärehim, a-bhaggo a-virähio,
Hujja me käussaggo. (3) Jäva arihantänam bhagavantänam,
Namukkärenam na päremi. (4) Täva käyam thänenam monenam jhänenam,
Appänam vosirämi. (5)
I shall now engross myself in meditation in a completely motionless yoga posture (Käyotsarga) for a specified duration. I will remain motionless except for breathing in and out, coughing, sneezing, yawning, belching, involuntarily losing balance, vomiting, fainting, subtle flickering movements of the eyes and other involuntary bodily movements. I shall perform meditation and keep myself (my soul) away from all sinful activities by keeping my body motionless and by observing complete silence. At the conclusion of meditation, I will complete the Käyotsarga by offering