Reasons for embracing Voluntary Peaceful Death'
Accident or Emergency
Old-age / Incurable Disease
This data and the graph alongside clearly show that there are only a few cases of accidental deaths in which the dying takes the vow of Santhārā-, assume a disposition of equanimity and dies a peaceful death. Most cases of embracing of 'Voluntary Peaceful Death' are due to one's inability to carry on with the religious practices owing to weakness and infirmity of old age and sufferings wrought by incurable diseases.
Distribution of Cases of Samadhimarana with and without Sallekhana with Sallekhanā- 26
(7.4% of the sample)
Period of Sallekhana
12 Years
Over 1 year
Under 1 year
Without Sallekhanā- 324 (92.6 % of the sample) From this distribution, it is apparent that winter season is the most favorite season for the practitioners of 'Voluntary Peaceful Death'. It stands to reason, as the winter does not take kindly to the old, weak and the feeble.
3.1 Euthanasia The life - own or other's - is sacred and taking it away either by accident or by design is considered as a sin by all the religious philosophies of the world. The Jaina Prophets and preceptors down the ages have considered life, not only human but also of the lowliest of the low creatures, as sacred and inviolable. Even then man has resorted to killing others in the name of wars or game or otherwise and taking his own life away under various pretexts. Also life is very dear and all the thinkers, preceptors and philosophers have vexed themselves eloquent in saying that all living beings want to live and none wants to die'. On the other hand there is death, which can be natural (Cyut), forced (Cyāvit) and voluntary
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