More people from the urban areas take to the vow of "Voluntary Peaceful Death' as compared to those from the rural areas. This is probably due to the fact that firstly, the people from the urban areas are; generally, more conscious and can appreciate the spiritual benefit that might accrue from such a practice. Secondly, as compared to the villages, better support by way of continued presence of the monks and nuns and other infrastructure is available in the towns.
Age-Group-Wise Distribution of Cases Age Group 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 | 71-80 81-90 91-100>100Total NO. 4 3 3 14 5299 135 28 4 350 % | 1,1 0,8 0,8 4,0 17,0 28,3 | 38,9 8,0 1,1 100
Average age (at the time of death) of the sample group: 77 years and four months. The model age group of the distribution is 81-90. This is the age group in which maximum number of cases of Samadhimarana occurs. The medium age group is 71-80. The mean deviation of the distribution is 3.1.The Standard Deviation of the distribution is 12.4 meaning that the distribution is quite deviated from normal. This is quite apparent from the graph, which is far from the bell-shaped curve of normal distribution. This is quite logical also as the practitioners of Samādhimaraņa are generally in higher age groups and the distribution have to be heavily skewed towards that direction.
From this data (also graphically represented in the line-graph given below) it is obvious that maximum incidence of embracing 'Voluntary Peaceful Death' is in the age group of 61-100 years. This fact is also supported by the finding of this study that the average age of the practitioners of "Voluntary Peaceful Death' is 77 years.
Series 1
21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 > 100 YRS YRS YRS YRS YRS
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